Workplace Wellbeing, Mental Health & Resilience

Ep 7 - QUBeWell: Creating a Mental Health Wellbeing Strategy for Queen’s Staff and Students

Episode 7

In the seventh episode of our podcasts in this series, ‘QUBeWell: Creating a Mental Health Wellbeing Strategy for Queen’s Staff and Students’, Conor Curran, Head of Diversity & Inclusion Unit at Queen’s University Belfast, explains how a team at Queen’s University Belfast has successfully partnered with agencies such as Action Mental Health and the Belfast Trust to develop and implement a holistic wellness framework that will benefit both students and staff.

Conor is a qualified employment lawyer and HR professional with over 15 years experience of embedding effective D&I strategies in large complex organisations, having previously worked in the policing, justice and health sectors. In his current role as Head of Diversity & Inclusion, he has helped Queen’s University Belfast develop a reputation as a leader in Equality, Diversity & Inclusion best practice, both locally and nationally. A Russell Group University, with a workforce of 4,500 staff and 27,000 students from almost 100 different countries, Queen’s is also widely recognised as one of Northern Ireland’s most diverse organisations.

This podcast series focuses on several key sessions recently delivered at Legal Island’s online Workplace Wellbeing, Mental Health and Resilience event in association with KinchLyons, which took place on 20th May 2021.

These podcasts will help you make sense of new ways of working and help you improve the levels of wellbeing, mental health and resilience within your organisation.

Legal Island has a range of Mental Health and Wellbeing eLearning courses available to enable you to train all staff in your organisation. To find out more about the range of courses offered, click here.